Summer 2017
Summer 2017
League Info
Last updated:
Introducing our BLIND DRAFT LEAGUE!
We are looking to switch things up a bit this summer. This new format will help new players get onto teams and mix-up some of the regular season's players. Players may sign up as one of the 6 captains, or they can sign up as individuals by providing their top 2 preferred positions.
During Pre-Season, captains will get to pick their players blindly based on positions available. We will be limited to 7 players per team, so there is limited space available. Sign up early to get a spot!
D4 Division 4
Rating Days
In preparation for upcoming Summer season, we have scheduled special rating day(s) for those UNRATED players who are looking to participate in the league. Per our rules and guidelines, all players MUST be rated to participate. Look for it on our Meetup.com page.
Need help?
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at league@playlavo.org
Latest announcements about
Summer 2017

Follow your team!
Visit Tourney Machine and download the mobile app and follow your team!
All teams will be responsible for monitoring their standings and the results. More information to be provided later.
Get all the specifics about
Important Dates
June 2, 2017 (FRI)
Unrated players may register pending confirmation of their rating
on Rating Day.
July 8, 2017 (SAT)
Registration will close early if all slots are full.
Start June 16, 2017 (FRI)
End July 28, 2017 (FRI)
Individual Registration: $55/player
Player Substitution: Free
The season will consist of 7 weeks starting in June and ending in July.
Teams will have 1 day of pre-season to get to know their team, followed by 5 weeks of pool play. Then the top 4 teams will make it to playoffs held on week 7.
The exact play schedule and standing will be posted on Tourney Machine .
Division 4
- 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM – Fridays at Pan Pacific Park
Rating Format
Each Division during league will have seven (7) players on their team as picked by the assigned captain.
All players for this first blind draft league MUST be rated B/D4 to participate.
New unrated players may register pending confirmation of their rating on Rating Day. If their rating is higher or lower than D4, a refund will be processed.
See the summary below and refer to the Rating Details page for more details.
NAGVA ratings are observed
Game Format
Six teams in one division will be considered a full division.
All Teams will play every week and teams will be playing for total games won (not matches) during the season. Each team will play three (3) games, regardless of outcome, against one other team per night. You have 50 minutes to warm-up and play your three games. Games will be 4-25 (27 cap).
Top four (4) teams will make it to playoffs in a full division.
Playoffs will be played on a best-of-three format.
Register today to join
Thank you for your interest in our league! Registration is now closed.
If you encounter any issues with the registration or your payment, please email info@playlavo.org. Please be sure to review the payment deadlines and refund policy. See you on the courts!